Vintage Publications & Historical Material

Frenzied Attack on Kampuchea


MaoTsetung is in the usergroup ‘Administrators’

“Peace came to Cambodia on the morning of April 17, 1975.” So begins an article in the February Reader’s Digest entitled “Murder of a Gentle Land.” The story claims to be the first true account of what’s really going on inside Cambodia since the US and its puppet regime of Lon Not were defeated. But the first sentence is about the only truthful statement in the article, which is made up of lies…

Pol Pot Tells the History of Kampuchean Revolution


MaoTsetung is in the usergroup ‘Administrators’

  • Posted 8th March 2025, 11:38 pm
  • By The Call

What is life like in Kampuchea (Cambodia) today? What have been the activities of the Communist Party of Kampuchea during the last 17 years through which its existence has been secret? How did the Kampuchean people succeed in defeating U.S. imperialism?

The answers to these and other questions were given in a historic press conference held by Pol Pot during his recent visit to China. Pol Pot is the Secretary at the Communist Party of Kampuchea (CPK) and the Prime Minister of its government.…

What is the Theory of the Three Worlds?


MaoTsetung is in the usergroup ‘Administrators’

The DC has been asked to take the lead in the effort to better understand Mao Zedong's Theory of the Differentiation of the Three Worlds (TTW). This paper is the first of 3 or 4 to be distributed before we hold a London meeting on the subject in late November. The national conference on the international situation is to be held next June, and our district-level study will be well directed in preparation for…

Why the USSR is Behind Vietnam


MaoTsetung is in the usergroup ‘Administrators’

While the Hanoi authorities have long harbored the ambition of annexing Democratic Kampuchea - and indeed other neighboring states - this would have remained a mere fantasy had -Vietnam not had the support and patronage of the expansionist great power, the Soviet Union. Thus, the aggression against Kampuchea was carefully planned by both Vietnam and the Soviet Union, as the following facts…

Vietnam Leaders Dream of Indochina Federation


MaoTsetung is in the usergroup ‘Administrators’

The 9th-15th century kingdom of Kambuja stretched from the Burmese border in the west to the South China Sea in the east--including what is now southern Vietnam. Invasions of the kingdom by the Thais and Vietnamese weakened this ancient civilization and eroded its territory. In the late 19th century, the French imperialists established a "protectorate" over Kampuchea and, in 1887, merged their…

Open Letter to John Pilger


MaoTsetung is in the usergroup ‘Administrators’

I have read the lengthy articles you wrote for the Daily Mirror on September 12 and 13 attacking the government of Democratic Kampuchea led by Pol Pot. You repeat many of the lies invented by Father Ponchard in his infamous book Cambodia Year Zero. You even use the same phrase "Year Zero" repeatedly. You really should have taken the trouble to read the works of well-known academics and opponents of US aggression in Southeast Asia, such as Naom Chomsky, Jan Myrdal, and Malcolm Caldwell.

Solidarity of Korea and Kampuchea


MaoTsetung is in the usergroup ‘Administrators’

The Korean Central News Agency reports that Comrade Kim Il Sung, General Secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and President of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, sent a message to Comrade Pol Pot, Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kampuchea and Prime Minister of Democratic Kampuchea, on December 27.

In his message Comrade Kim Il Sung said: "The Korean people

The Great Battle To Liberate Phnom Penh


MaoTsetung is in the usergroup ‘Administrators’

  • Posted 6th March 2025, 3:43 pm
  • By The Call
“I left Phnom Penh for the guerrilla base in 1968, not to return until April 17, 1975, when our liberation forces entered the city. On that day, I was greatly moved; I knew that our victory had finally solved the problem of equality for the people.”

These were the words of a veteran guerrilla fighter, just 32 years old, as he told us of the great offensive which finally liberated Kampuchea (formerly Cambodia) from the U.S. imperialists and their Lon Nol puppets. To…

USSR Behind Occupation of Kampuchea


MaoTsetung is in the usergroup ‘Administrators’

On Jan. 8, following a 6-day offensive by 100,000 Vietnamese troops ending in the capture of Phnom Penh, a puppet Cambodian group claimed “complete control” of Kampuchea (Cambodia), although, in fact, they only had the cities. The government of Kampuchea headed by Premier Pol Pot has taken to the jungles to wage guerrilla warfare against the invaders.

It was less than four years ago that the peoples…

Soviets Move to Challenge Yankees in Latin America


MaoTsetung is in the usergroup ‘Administrators’

  • Posted 6th March 2025, 1:26 am
  • By The Call
For more than 100 years, Latin America has been considered the “backyard” of U.S. imperialism.

But in the past decade, this legacy left over from the Monroe Doctrine has begun to crumble. For the first time, U.S. imperialism is facing a serious contender in its colonial domination in the region–the USSR.

Facing the revolutionary movement of the masses on one side, the U.S. is being pushed out…

CIA Front Group Creates Kampuchean "Atrocity" Stories


MaoTsetung is in the usergroup ‘Administrators’

  • Posted 6th March 2025, 1:13 am
  • By The Call

Press reports emanating from both superpowers have been filled recently with slanders against Democratic Kampuchea (formerly Cambodia). One by one these lies are being torn apart by visitors and honest journalists in the region. A recent example was exposed by the journalist Marcel Barang, writing for Australia's Nation Review. Barang visited the scene of last summer's "massacre" of Thai villagers by "Cambodian communists" which were reported at great length in the Western press.

Starvation in Kampuchea


MaoTsetung is in the usergroup ‘Administrators’

  • Posted 4th March 2025, 1:13 am
  • By The Call
It is a gruesome sight that the news now brings into our living rooms with almost nightly regularity: the spectacle of Kampuchea (Cambodia) virtually starving to death. In living color we see the emaciated children, the diseased adults too sick to move, the frightened refugees who have escaped the war by crossing the border to Thailand.

For many Americans, such scenes evoke a strong desire to do something to help bring an end to the misery of this far-off country. But what can really be done?…

Opportunists Cheer Invasion of Kampuchea


MaoTsetung is in the usergroup ‘Administrators’

  • Posted 4th March 2025, 12:54 am
  • By The Call

The Soviet-Vietnamese invasion of Democratic Kampuchea has found a corrupt chorus of defenders in the press of the revisionists, Trotskyites and other opportunists in the U.S.

Recent weeks, in fact, have been a virtual “show and tell” period for the political lines of the Daily World, the Militant and the Guardian. One after another, they have each displayed their shoddy wares.

But few have been impressed and many have been disgusted–even among their own readers.…

Should We Speak Out on Hanoi’s Atrocities?


MaoTsetung is in the usergroup ‘Administrators’

  • Posted 4th March 2025, 12:42 am
  • By The Call

When Joan Baez spoke out on Vietnam last month, her protest against violations of human rights in that country was bound to provoke considerable controversy.

The press of the revisionist CPUSA has especially indulged itself in the fray, labeling Baez’s protest “vile betrayal,” “sinister,” “abominable slander” and even “the mark of Judas.”

They, along with the Trotskyists and a few others, have…

Support Kampuchean Resistance


MaoTsetung is in the usergroup ‘Administrators’

Vietnam’s naked aggression against Kampuchea and the Kampuchean people reached a new level with the capture of the capital city at Phnom Penh on Jan. 7. After a 16 day full scale armed invasion involving over 100,000 troops and heavy aerial bombing, the Vietnamese are now claiming control over “almost all” of Kampuchea.

Under cover of their puppet organization, the “Kampuchean National United Front…

Pol Pot: Brutal, Yes, But no Mass Murderer


MaoTsetung is in the usergroup ‘Administrators’

  • Posted 27th February 2025, 2:20 pm
  • By The Call
Blind hatred of Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge is pushing the U.S. toward policy changes that could well contribute to the ultimate destruction of Cambodia as an independent society through conquest by Vietnam. Preoccupation with Pol Pot's misdeeds seems to have dulled normal skepticism about the deeds and actions of Vietnam. Hanoi's invasion of Cambodia in late 1978 is widely regarded as a…

Origins of the Vietnamese Invasion against Democratic Kampuchea


MaoTsetung is in the usergroup ‘Administrators’

Behind the conflict between Kampuchea and Vietnam and their governing communist parties lie differences so profound that each revolution stands as an implicit critique of the other. That the existence of each revolutionary model challenges the basic premises of the other is the result of a complex interaction of history, politics and geography. For two such different neighbors to avoid conflict would require extraordinary good will and a mutual commitment to cooperation and compromise.