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Newest 10 Downloads
Kampuchea: Socialism Without a Model
This 1978 article from Yugoslav Socialist Thought examines Vietnam’s invasion of Kampuchea, exposing how Hanoi, under Soviet patronage, aimed to crush Kampuchea’s revolutionary independence and incorporate it into a Soviet-controlled Indochinese federation. The article praises Democratic Kampuchea’s steadfast rejection of domination by both superpowers, highlighting the Party’s commitment to absolute sovereignty, rapid socialist transformation, and self…
Against Betrayal and Invasion
This issue Against Betrayal and Invasion captures the intense political, military, and ideological climate of Democratic Kampuchea as the nation prepared for total confrontation with Vietnamese revisionism. Detailing the Party's sharpened class line, the document emphasizes the ongoing efforts to eliminate internal enemies, especially within the Eastern Zone, where pro-Hanoi elements were facilitating infiltration. Emphasizing the mobilization of the en…
Declaration of Independence and Self-Reliance
This Declaration of Independence and Self-Reliance stands as one of the earliest comprehensive ideological declarations following the historic victory of Democratic Kampuchea. Within its pages, the Central Committee elaborates on the fundamental political tasks of the revolution, prioritizing the total liquidation of imperialist remnants, the rapid collectivization of agriculture, and the defense of national sovereignty against Vietnamese revisionism. T…
The Question of Internal Unity
The Question of Internal Unity, reveals significant regional divergences, particularly between the Southwest Zone under Ta Mok, known for its firm anti-Vietnamese stance and successful agricultural organization, and the Eastern Zone, historically compromised by Hanoi-trained cadres and suspected of dual loyalties. The report discusses how internal tensions escalated following increased Vietnamese military provocations in 1977, culminating in the decisiv…
Ethnic Vietnamese and the Khmer Rouge: The Genocide and Race Debate
Ethnic Vietnamese and the Khmer Rouge: The Genocide and Race Debate (2021), Theara Thun and Duong Keo confront prevailing assumptions regarding Democratic Kampuchea’s policy toward ethnic Vietnamese during the revolution. Drawing from over fifty-two firsthand interviews and trial testimonies, the study dismantles simplistic racial narratives, revealing that class struggle and national defense—not racial extermination—shaped policy decisions between 1975…
Imperialism and Unequal Development
Imperialism and Unequal Development (1977) by Marxist scholar Samir Amin, offers an unflinching structural analysis of the global capitalist system, exposing how imperialism entrenches dependency and underdevelopment in the periphery while securing super-profits in the metropole. Amin dissects the mechanisms by which the international division of labor, unequal exchange, and extraction of surplus value enforce a permanent state of subjugation upon the T…
Black Paper: Facts and Evidences of the Acts of Aggression and Annexation of Vietnam Against Kampuchea
The 1978 publication by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Democratic Kampuchea, entitled "Black Paper: Facts and Evidences of the Acts of Aggression and Annexation of Vietnam Against Kampuchea," is a comprehensive work in the field of geopolitical analysis. This document meticulously chronicles Vietnam's persistent expansionist aspirations, tracing their territorial encroachments from the annexation of Champa and Kampuchea Krom to their political infil…
The Four-Year Plan to Build Socialism in All Fields
The Four-Year Plan to Build Socialism in All Fields (1977–1980) is perhaps the most audacious and illuminating economic document of Democratic Kampuchea. Unlike the hesitant reformism of other postcolonial states, Kampuchea launched an immediate leap into socialist transformation, rejecting the typical three-to-five-year stabilization periods advised by gradualist revisionist regimes. With over 2.4 million hectares of rice fields in operation, the Plan…
The Kampuchean Revolutionary Movement
The Kampuchean Revolutionary Movement, stands as a profound theoretical and historical summation of Democratic Kampuchea’s revolutionary path. Here, the leadership methodically analyzes 2,000 years of struggle, grounding the Kampuchean revolution not in imported doctrines, but in the lived experience of a people locked in perpetual resistance against feudal exploitation and imperialist domination. The text exposes the internal and external ideological b…
General Political Tasks of 1976
General Political Tasks of 1976, presents the most comprehensive articulation of Democratic Kampuchea’s revolutionary consolidation, exposing the monumental effort to execute a continuous, all-encompassing socialist transformation across every strata of society. In a year marked by unprecedented class struggle, the Party achieved 90% of its agricultural goals, securing surpluses such as 247,000 tons of milled rice, despite material shortages and imperia…
Top 10 Downloads
Kampuchea: Socialism Without a Model
This 1978 article from Yugoslav Socialist Thought examines Vietnam’s invasion of Kampuchea, exposing how Hanoi, under Soviet patronage, aimed to crush Kampuchea’s revolutionary independence and incorporate it into a Soviet-controlled Indochinese federation. The article praises Democratic Kampuchea’s steadfast rejection of domination by both superpowers, highlighting the Party’s commitment to absolute sovereignty, rapid socialist transformation, and self…
Against Betrayal and Invasion
This issue Against Betrayal and Invasion captures the intense political, military, and ideological climate of Democratic Kampuchea as the nation prepared for total confrontation with Vietnamese revisionism. Detailing the Party's sharpened class line, the document emphasizes the ongoing efforts to eliminate internal enemies, especially within the Eastern Zone, where pro-Hanoi elements were facilitating infiltration. Emphasizing the mobilization of the en…
Declaration of Independence and Self-Reliance
This Declaration of Independence and Self-Reliance stands as one of the earliest comprehensive ideological declarations following the historic victory of Democratic Kampuchea. Within its pages, the Central Committee elaborates on the fundamental political tasks of the revolution, prioritizing the total liquidation of imperialist remnants, the rapid collectivization of agriculture, and the defense of national sovereignty against Vietnamese revisionism. T…
The Question of Internal Unity
The Question of Internal Unity, reveals significant regional divergences, particularly between the Southwest Zone under Ta Mok, known for its firm anti-Vietnamese stance and successful agricultural organization, and the Eastern Zone, historically compromised by Hanoi-trained cadres and suspected of dual loyalties. The report discusses how internal tensions escalated following increased Vietnamese military provocations in 1977, culminating in the decisiv…
Ethnic Vietnamese and the Khmer Rouge: The Genocide and Race Debate
Ethnic Vietnamese and the Khmer Rouge: The Genocide and Race Debate (2021), Theara Thun and Duong Keo confront prevailing assumptions regarding Democratic Kampuchea’s policy toward ethnic Vietnamese during the revolution. Drawing from over fifty-two firsthand interviews and trial testimonies, the study dismantles simplistic racial narratives, revealing that class struggle and national defense—not racial extermination—shaped policy decisions between 1975…
Imperialism and Unequal Development
Imperialism and Unequal Development (1977) by Marxist scholar Samir Amin, offers an unflinching structural analysis of the global capitalist system, exposing how imperialism entrenches dependency and underdevelopment in the periphery while securing super-profits in the metropole. Amin dissects the mechanisms by which the international division of labor, unequal exchange, and extraction of surplus value enforce a permanent state of subjugation upon the T…
Black Paper: Facts and Evidences of the Acts of Aggression and Annexation of Vietnam Against Kampuchea
The 1978 publication by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Democratic Kampuchea, entitled "Black Paper: Facts and Evidences of the Acts of Aggression and Annexation of Vietnam Against Kampuchea," is a comprehensive work in the field of geopolitical analysis. This document meticulously chronicles Vietnam's persistent expansionist aspirations, tracing their territorial encroachments from the annexation of Champa and Kampuchea Krom to their political infil…
The Four-Year Plan to Build Socialism in All Fields
The Four-Year Plan to Build Socialism in All Fields (1977–1980) is perhaps the most audacious and illuminating economic document of Democratic Kampuchea. Unlike the hesitant reformism of other postcolonial states, Kampuchea launched an immediate leap into socialist transformation, rejecting the typical three-to-five-year stabilization periods advised by gradualist revisionist regimes. With over 2.4 million hectares of rice fields in operation, the Plan…
The Kampuchean Revolutionary Movement
The Kampuchean Revolutionary Movement, stands as a profound theoretical and historical summation of Democratic Kampuchea’s revolutionary path. Here, the leadership methodically analyzes 2,000 years of struggle, grounding the Kampuchean revolution not in imported doctrines, but in the lived experience of a people locked in perpetual resistance against feudal exploitation and imperialist domination. The text exposes the internal and external ideological b…
General Political Tasks of 1976
General Political Tasks of 1976, presents the most comprehensive articulation of Democratic Kampuchea’s revolutionary consolidation, exposing the monumental effort to execute a continuous, all-encompassing socialist transformation across every strata of society. In a year marked by unprecedented class struggle, the Party achieved 90% of its agricultural goals, securing surpluses such as 247,000 tons of milled rice, despite material shortages and imperia…