News archive

Kampuchea - Who Should We Support?


MaoTsetung is in the usergroup ‘Administrators’

  • Posted 4th March 2025, 1:03 am
  • By The Call

New York City - "I had a deep love for the Vietnamese and I still do. Not in a romantic sense, but because they were the cutting edge of the struggle for liberation all over the world... The cutting edge of the struggle for everything we fought for, however, has moved from Hanoi and Saigon to the maquis[jungles] of Kampuchea. The cutting edge is now the Kampuchean people's struggle for the right to self-determination, self-definition, independence and freedom."…

Opportunists Cheer Invasion of Kampuchea


MaoTsetung is in the usergroup ‘Administrators’

  • Posted 4th March 2025, 12:54 am
  • By The Call

The Soviet-Vietnamese invasion of Democratic Kampuchea has found a corrupt chorus of defenders in the press of the revisionists, Trotskyites and other opportunists in the U.S.

Recent weeks, in fact, have been a virtual “show and tell” period for the political lines of the Daily World, the Militant and the Guardian. One after another, they have each displayed their shoddy wares.

But few have been impressed and many have been disgusted–even among their own readers.…

Should We Speak Out on Hanoi’s Atrocities?


MaoTsetung is in the usergroup ‘Administrators’

  • Posted 4th March 2025, 12:42 am
  • By The Call

When Joan Baez spoke out on Vietnam last month, her protest against violations of human rights in that country was bound to provoke considerable controversy.

The press of the revisionist CPUSA has especially indulged itself in the fray, labeling Baez’s protest “vile betrayal,” “sinister,” “abominable slander” and even “the mark of Judas.”

They, along with the Trotskyists and a few others, have…

Support Kampuchean Resistance


MaoTsetung is in the usergroup ‘Administrators’

Vietnam’s naked aggression against Kampuchea and the Kampuchean people reached a new level with the capture of the capital city at Phnom Penh on Jan. 7. After a 16 day full scale armed invasion involving over 100,000 troops and heavy aerial bombing, the Vietnamese are now claiming control over “almost all” of Kampuchea.

Under cover of their puppet organization, the “Kampuchean National United Front…

1978 Interview with Deputy Prime Minister Ieng Sary


MaoTsetung is in the usergroup ‘Administrators’

  • Posted 4th March 2025, 12:08 am
  • By The Call

The high point of our visit to Kampuchea came the day before we were scheduled to leave. Ieng Sary, the Deputy Prime Minister in charge of foreign affairs, had agreed to give us an interview. He would brief us on the answers to numerous questions we had raised about the history of Kampuchea’s revolution and its present state of development.

When we arrived at the house where the meeting was to take place, Sary was outside waiting for us. Dispensing with all formality, he came over to our car, embracing each of us as we got out.…

U.S. Bombed Democratic Kampuchea Long After War


MaoTsetung is in the usergroup ‘Administrators’

  • Posted 4th March 2025, 12:05 am
  • By The Call

The U.S. government claims that its war against the Kampuchean people ended in April 1975. But it really didn’t.

Aggressive U.S. actions against Kampuchea have continued to take place. Our recent visit enabled us to gather firsthand evidence about one such incident–the bombing of Siem Reap.

Siem Reap, located in the northwest part of Kampuchea between Lake Tonle Sap and the Thai border, was the site of a vicious bombing raid carried out by U.S. Ai…

Why Phnom Penh Was Evacuated


MaoTsetung is in the usergroup ‘Administrators’

  • Posted 4th March 2025, 12:02 am
  • By The Call

In the spring of 1975, Phnom Penh was a city swollen, choked and starved by war. Among its 3.1 million inhabitants were 2.5 million people who had crowded into the city between 1970 and 1975. They were refugees from the US war of aggression that had left their villages bombed out and their ricefields defoliated. This is the story of how and why Phnom Penh was evacuated after the victorious Revolutionary Army entered its streets on April 17, 1975.

Malcolm Caldwell: Scholar, Activist, and Advocate of the Kampuchean…


MaoTsetung is in the usergroup ‘Administrators’

  • Posted 28th February 2025, 9:21 pm
  • By MaoTsetung
The death of Marxist scholar-activist Malcolm Caldwell on December 23, 1978 in Cambodia (Kampuchea) is a shocking event, not only because he was deliberately murdered as the best-known friend of the Cambodian revolution, but also because it occurred in the context of a war between the two countries of Indochina, which had triumphed over the most vicious attacks of American imperialism.

Pol Pot: Brutal, Yes, But no Mass Murderer


MaoTsetung is in the usergroup ‘Administrators’

  • Posted 27th February 2025, 2:20 pm
  • By The Call
Blind hatred of Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge is pushing the U.S. toward policy changes that could well contribute to the ultimate destruction of Cambodia as an independent society through conquest by Vietnam. Preoccupation with Pol Pot's misdeeds seems to have dulled normal skepticism about the deeds and actions of Vietnam. Hanoi's invasion of Cambodia in late 1978 is widely regarded as a…

Origins of the Vietnamese Invasion against Democratic Kampuchea


MaoTsetung is in the usergroup ‘Administrators’

Behind the conflict between Kampuchea and Vietnam and their governing communist parties lie differences so profound that each revolution stands as an implicit critique of the other. That the existence of each revolutionary model challenges the basic premises of the other is the result of a complex interaction of history, politics and geography. For two such different neighbors to avoid conflict would require extraordinary good will and a mutual commitment to cooperation and compromise.

Forty Years of the Democratic Kampuchea Victory!

  • Posted 26th February 2025, 5:27 am
  • By Abel Kelen

On April 17, 2015, 40 years of the struggle of the Cambodian people for their freedom, independence and socialism were celebrated. It was on this occasion that Abel Kelen wrote this document, which summarizes in a dialectical materialist character, the recent history, of the events of the struggle of the Cambodian people and its glorious revolution led by the CPK (Party Communist of Kampuchea).…

Imperialist Slander Can Never Deface the Revolutionary Image of Com…

Comrade Pol Pot – a brave general of the Kampuchean liberation struggle, a founding leader of the Kampuchean Communist Party and an inspiring leader of the Khmer Rouge guerrillas - finally breathed his last on 15th April, 1998.

Incapacitated by his ailing health and unable to pursue an active revolutionary life, he had been leading a secluded, serene and simple life in his thatched hut in the liberated areas of the Khmer Rouge bordering Thailand. Ho…

The Shining Path Revealed


MaoTsetung is in the usergroup ‘Administrators’

  • Posted 25th February 2025, 11:14 pm
  • By BJ Murphy
In an area where guerrilla warfare has been waged for the last two decades, we find ourselves within a psychological war against those who remain true to the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist party, the Sendero Luminoso – or better known as the Shining Path by mainstream media. Led by Chairman Gonzalo, or also known as Abimael Guzman, the “People’s War” was first waged on May 17, 1980. Although they…

Is the PCP Homophobic?


MaoTsetung is in the usergroup ‘Administrators’

  • Posted 25th February 2025, 11:12 pm
  • By MaoTsetung

As LGBT+ workers have gained revolutionary consciousness and the masses have increasingly supported LGBT+ liberation, the dying capitalist order has begun in the last few decades to feign concern about LGBT+ people in an effort to turn us into either liberals who present no threat to them or active foot soldiers of imperialism. This phenomenon can be observed everywhere from the infamous pink-washing of Israel to allegations of homophobia against any number of Communist leaders.

Anti-Communism and the Hundreds of Millions of Victims of Capitalism


MaoTsetung is in the usergroup ‘Administrators’

  • Posted 25th February 2025, 11:08 pm
  • By MaoTsetung

Capitalist production, when considered in isolation from the process of circulation and the excesses of competition, is very economical with the materialised labour objectified in commodities. Yet, more than any other mode of production, it squanders human lives, or living labour, and not only blood and flesh, but also nerve and brain. Indeed, it is only by dint of the most extravagant waste of…

PCP Responds to Allegations of Gay Persecution


MaoTsetung is in the usergroup ‘Administrators’

  • Posted 25th February 2025, 11:03 pm
  • By MaoTsetung

Since we began publishing PLN we have reported on struggle and conditions affecting political prisoners of diverse movements, groups and parties around the world, to include Palestinian, Irish, Puerto Rican, New Afrikan, Anti-imperialist and Peruvian prisoners to name a few. Generally this reporting has met with interest and approval from our readers because PLN is one of the few publications that covers this type of news.

 The struggle for Maoism, for people's war and new splits


MaoTsetung is in the usergroup ‘Administrators’

  • Posted 25th February 2025, 7:43 pm
  • By MaoTsetung
The stormy years of the 1960s shook the whole world. At the heart of the great mass struggles was the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution (GPCR) in China, which from the headquarters of the world proletarian revolution inspired and encouraged an avalanche of mass struggles around the world against imperialism. In Brazil, these storms were also expressed with the awakening of the masses after the military-civilian coup d'état of 1964.

Lenin: 'Work everything the military way!'


MaoTsetung is in the usergroup ‘Administrators’

  • Posted 25th February 2025, 7:40 pm
  • By MaoTsetung

Letter of the Central Committee of the C.P.S.(B.) to the Party organizations.

Comrades, one of the most critical moments, even probably the most critical, for the socialist revolution has arrived. Those who defend the exploiters, the landlords and capitalists, their Russian and foreign defenders – first of all the British and French – make desperate attempts to re-establish in Russia the power…

Pay attention to the "Chang Kuo-tao" phenomenon


MaoTsetung is in the usergroup ‘Administrators’

  • Posted 25th February 2025, 7:38 pm
  • By MaoTsetung
Comrade compatriots, the People's Republic of China and the Central People's Government were founded today!

Ever since the reactionary government of Chiang Kai-shek and his Kuomintang betrayed the motherland, conspired with imperialism and launched a counter-revolutionary war, the Chinese people have been plunged into bitter suffering.

Fortunately, our People's Liberation Army, supported by…

The actuality of the Heroic Peasant Resistance of Corumbiara (A Nov…


MaoTsetung is in the usergroup ‘Administrators’

  • Posted 25th February 2025, 7:35 pm
  • By MaoTsetung

20 years ago, on July 14, 1995, 600 families took over the lands of the Santa Elina farm, setting up a large camp.

"Even if the thing thickens, this land is ours!". This slogan was a demonstration of the firm decision of those families who, like a large part of the peasants of Rondônia, represent the mixture of the Brazilian peasantry: they are gauchos, Paraná, São Paulo, Espírito Santo, northeasterners,…

Long live Zumbi dos Palmares! Long live the day of the Black People!


MaoTsetung is in the usergroup ‘Administrators’

  • Posted 25th February 2025, 7:33 pm
  • By MaoTsetung

The League of Poor Peasants salutes November 20 by extolling the heroism of the warrior leader Zumbi dos Palmares! Saluting the history of resistance of quilombos against slavery and for the construction of a free life without exploitation and oppression.

It is a day to salute and reaffirm the example of struggle and resistance of the black people in our country, which is the image and likeness…

Important Ideas of Presidente Gonzalo


MaoTsetung is in the usergroup ‘Administrators’

Marxism is, we have constantly asserted, a scientific method for analyzing and advancing society. The reason the star of Marxism shines brighter than any other philosophy of socialist revolution, the reason Marxism is consistently the most successful philosophy in guiding proletarian rebellion, is that marxism is scientific and factual; it is the science of class struggle and of proletarian revolution. An…

Myanmar Military Coup Reveals Contention Within Ruling Class


MaoTsetung is in the usergroup ‘Administrators’

  • Posted 25th February 2025, 7:25 pm
  • By MaoTsetung

The Myanmar military staged a coup on Monday, declaring a state of emergency and arresting the leaders of the ruling party, the National League for Democracy (NLD). The military denied the legitimacy of the November 2020 elections, the second electoral process since open military rule was replaced by a partial parliamentary system.

This comes in the context of a push in March 2020 to amend the 2008 constitution, taking legislative power away from the military. Th…

Long Live the Peoples War in Peru on its 40th Anniversary


MaoTsetung is in the usergroup ‘Administrators’

  • Posted 25th February 2025, 7:22 pm
  • By MaoTsetung

May 17 marked the 40th anniversary of the Initiation of Armed Struggle (ILA) in Peru, a People’s War that continues to this day led by the Communist Party of Peru (PCP).

Forty years ago, the loyal servants of US imperialism in Peru announced the resumption of elections and in response, the PCP bombed polling stations and burned ballots. In particular, the people of the Andean highlands formed the support base for these actions and issued the opening salvo of the People’s War. Th…

📢 Relaunch – Stronger, More Secure, and R…


MaoTsetung is in the usergroup ‘Administrators’

  • Posted 25th February 2025, 2:59 pm
  • By MaoTsetung

Comrades, we are pleased to announce the official relaunch of, now with enhanced anti-spam protections, a refined user experience, and expanded features to better serve the revolutionary movement. New staff positions will soon be available to help moderate, manage archives, and ensure the site runs smoothly as a growing center for Marxist-Leninist-Maoist study and collaboration