Communist Party of Kampuchea
The Communist Party of Kampuchea, also known as the Khmer Communist Party, was a communist party in Cambodia. Its leader was Pol Pot and its members were generally known as the Khmer Rouge.
Communist Party Collection
Documents related to the Communist Party of Kampuchea (CPK), including party manifestos, internal communications, and strategic plans, offering insight into its ideology and revolutionary activities.
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Democratic Kampuchean Years 1970-1982
Reports from Democratic Kampuchea’s rule, covering policies, societal transformation, and political developments before and during the regime.
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ECCC Documentation Collection
Documents exposing the politically motivated trials of the ECCC, revealing its role in distorting history and serving imperialist and revisionist interests.
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Hun Sen and the People's Republic of Kampuchea
Reports on the illegitimate rule of Hun Sen, detailing the PRK’s betrayal of Kampuchea’s revolution and its collaboration with foreign imperialist forces.
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International Solidarity
Statements, publications, and reports from socialist movements and scholars worldwide defending Kampuchea’s struggle against imperialist aggression and revisionist deception.
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Kampuchea Bulletin
Issues of Kampuchea Bulletin, then-providing revolutionary analysis, updates, and news on Kampuchea’s fight for independence and socialist development after the Vietnamese invasion.
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Malcolm Caldwell and Marxist Theoreticals
Writings by Malcolm Caldwell and other Marxist theorists and academics defending Kampuchea’s socialist path, analyzing its successes, challenges, and global significance.
(6 entries, 0 subcategories)
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