Declaration of Independence and Self-Reliance

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This Declaration of Independence and Self-Reliance stands as one of the earliest comprehensive ideological declarations following the historic victory of Democratic Kampuchea. Within its pages, the Central Committee elaborates on the fundamental political tasks of the revolution, prioritizing the total liquidation of imperialist remnants, the rapid collectivization of agriculture, and the defense of national sovereignty against Vietnamese revisionism. The document emphasizes the early success of mass mobilization, with the establishment of cooperative production across liberated zones and the strategic resettlement of over 1 million urban evacuees into the countryside as a direct challenge to capitalist dependency. Perhaps most striking is the clear articulation of Kampuchea’s global position: rejecting both Soviet and American spheres of influence, the Party commits itself to building an independent, self-reliant socialism rooted in the creative labor of the peasantry, fortified against foreign subversion and historical betrayal
