General Political Tasks of 1976

General Political Tasks of 1976, presents the most comprehensive articulation of Democratic Kampuchea’s revolutionary consolidation, exposing the monumental effort to execute a continuous, all-encompassing socialist transformation across every strata of society. In a year marked by unprecedented class struggle, the Party achieved 90% of its agricultural goals, securing surpluses such as 247,000 tons of milled rice, despite material shortages and imperialist encirclement. More critically, the leadership identifies the struggle not only against external threats but against hidden enemies within the Party itself, declaring the necessity of preemptive purges to preserve revolutionary purity. Here we see the essence of Kampuchea’s unique path: a society simultaneously defending national sovereignty, eradicating feudal vestiges, and pioneering self-reliant socialism through mass mobilization, while courageously confronting internal subversion as a historical inevitability of class contradictions
