Vietnam Re-Colonised: Soviet expansionism in S.E. Asia

This work, Vietnam Re-Colonised: Soviet Expansionism in Southeast Asia by E. Vincent, exposes how Vietnam’s invasion of Kampuchea in 1978 transformed it into a de facto Soviet satellite. It details how Hanoi’s military and economic survival became entirely dependent on Moscow, with Soviet aid quadrupling from 1981 to 1985 and over 90% of Vietnam’s imports coming from the USSR. The text highlights how Soviet naval and air bases in Vietnam, including Cam Ranh Bay, allowed Moscow to project power over the South China Sea and challenge both China and the West. By subordinating Vietnam’s economy to COMECON and enforcing debt-driven dependency, the Soviet Union ensured its strategic grip over Indochina, demonstrating that Hanoi’s expansionism ultimately led to its own loss of sovereignty.
